欢迎来到辅助技术资源 教育援助中心 (EAC)

辅助技术是任何设备, software, 或者是帮助人们应对挑战的设备. - Understood.org

This webpage is designed to introduce built in functionality of current devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc.,以及专门的软件/应用程序,可以增加访问和帮助学习.


Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology reads digital/electronic text out loud and is available in one form or another on nearly all smartphones, tablets, computers, etc.

Text-to-Speech 可以帮助有阅读障碍的学生(盲人, low vision, 行动不便)或阅读困难, 解码或理解,但也可能有助于写作, editing, even focusing.


聚光灯- Chromebook


Speech-to-Text (STT)——也称为听写, voice-to-text, voice recognition or speech recognition and is the process of recognizing spoken language (speech) and translating into electronic text. 对于那些书写困难的学生来说,这是一个很好的方法, typing, 拼写和/或思考的速度比书写或打字的速度快.

Several types of Speech-to-Text 工具可以在智能手机、平板电脑、电脑等上使用.:


Developing an effective notetaking process is a valuable and important skill for college students. 无论是在上课时记笔记还是在阅读课本时, notetaking 的过程 organizing information into an understandable format that will assist in your studying and learning process.

记笔记是一种技能 ... so it may take some time and may require some exploration as there are a variety of notetaking methods: outline, SQ4R, Cornell Method, Mapping Method, etc. And you may also find that you may utilize different notetaking processes/methods for different courses depending the subject. For example, the way you take notes in a Math course may be different than the way you take notes in your History course. And that is ok! 目标是培养适合自己的记笔记技巧 ... 记笔记的技巧可以让你识别 key concepts, main ideas and 支持细节 and organize that information in a manner that will aid your understanding, remembering and learning the subject.


Time Management

Time Management 的过程 organizing and planning 如何在不同的活动中分配时间. 好的时间管理需要把重点从活动转移到结果上: 忙碌并不等于高效. (讽刺的是,相反的说法往往更接近事实.) - MindTools

Below are a few resources and techniques that may aid in helping you develop good time management skills: